Monday, 14 December 2009

Start of Winter

The first half of December finally brought some dry bright weather mixed in with the usual fog and drizzle. The Long Billed Dowitcher was still around somewhere throughout the fortnight but wasnt pinned down again until the 12/12/09, it then showed well in Port Carlisle harbour for the next few days, unusually allowing me to get a second go at photos.

New birds this fornight included a lovely female Long Tailed Duck found on Talkin Tarn on the 2/12 it remained until at least the 14/12 showing well but feeding continuously and spending amazing length of time underwater. Also present on the Tarn were up to 28 goosander though numbers fluctuated.

Also inland a drake Smew was found on the largest of Longtown pools on the 13/12 and was still present the following day, as were 8 Gadwall, 7 goosander and at least 20 goldeneye.

Those watching the Long Billed Dowitcher on the 13/12 also found a close in Great Northern Diver and in Port Carlisle harbour itself a Little Egret and a Spotted Redshank both showed well.

Nearby at North Plain/Campfield Marsh the largest ever roost of 224 Whooper Swans came into the pools at the top of the Lonnen on the 8/12, also present recently have been up to 2 male Hen Harriers, a Little Egret and good numbers of Teal and Widgeon with at least 30 Pintail present on the 13/13.

Two Water Pipits were also reported here on the 12/12 with Meadow Pipit on the flash on the east of the track.

On Grune Point the Snow Bunting could not be relocated but 2 Merlins and a Peregrine, a dozen Scaup, a good count of 22 Grey Plover and a big roost of Knot and Bar Tailed Godwits were decent reward for a cold day on the 4/12/09. While on the very misty day of 10/12 little could be seen but a flock of c30 Twite were very vocal on the end of the point.

Further down the coast 2 Bitterns were reported at their regular wintering site of Siddick Pond, Workington on the 12/12 with one seen again on the 13/12.

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