New birds this fornight included a lovely female Long Tailed Duck found on Talkin Tarn on the 2/12 it remained until at least the 14/12 showing well but feeding continuously and spending amazing length of time underwater. Also present on the Tarn were up to 28 goosander though numbers fluctuated.
Also inland a drake Smew was found on the largest of Longtown pools on the 13/12 and was still present the following day, as were 8 Gadwall, 7 goosander and at least 20 goldeneye.
Those watching the Long Billed Dowitcher on the 13/12 also found a close in Great Northern Diver and in Port Carlisle harbour itself a Little Egret and a Spotted Redshank both showed well.
Nearby at North Plain/Campfield Marsh the largest ever roost of 224 Whooper Swans came into the pools at the top of the Lonnen on the 8/12, also present recently have been up to 2 male Hen Harriers, a Little Egret and good numbers of Teal and Widgeon with at least 30 Pintail present on the 13/13.
Two Water Pipits were also reported here on the 12/12 with Meadow Pipit on the flash on the east of the track.
On Grune Point the Snow Bunting could not be relocated but 2 Merlins and a Peregrine, a dozen Scaup, a good count of 22 Grey Plover and a big roost of Knot and Bar Tailed Godwits were decent reward for a cold day on the 4/12/09. While on the very misty day of 10/12 little could be seen but a flock of c30 Twite were very vocal on the end of the point.
Further down the coast 2 Bitterns were reported at their regular wintering site of Siddick Pond, Workington on the 12/12 with one seen again on the 13/12.
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