Sunday, 15 November 2009

Early November

The month started off quietly but there was a quality bird waiting to be found, on the 13/11/09 a Long billed dowitcher was reported in Port Carlisle harbour. Now sometimes these reports simply fade away to nothing and very little information was forthcoming so I didnt get too excited but the bird was relocated on the morning of the 14/11 and was still present on the 15/11. It showed very well but the poor light meant the photos were stricly record shots, aged as a 1st winter bird it was, I think, the 5th for Cumbria.

Also present in the harbour was an adult Spotted Redshank and at least 40 Snipe.
Most of the records for this fortnight were from the Solway area with up to 2 male Hen Harriers showing intermittently from North Plain hide with a Merlin present there on the 8/11/09. A walk along Grune Point on the 2/11/09 produced 2 late Greenshank, 2 Peregrine and at least 400 Pintail while a stroll out to the end of Bowness Viaduct on the 8/11 found a juvenile Ruff feeding with Redshank on the waters edge.
Whoopers Swan herds in the area continued to swell with a massive 600+ reported from the Newton Arlosh area and 210 from the Beaumont/Rockliffe herd which included c10% juveniles.
Carr beds was as usual under a flood but a walk down Demesne Marsh on the 13/11 produced a Little Egret, 13 Twite, 2 Ravens and 29 Whooper Swans.
Inland a few Brambling started to reappear at their favourite haunt of Talkin Tarn with c30 on the 10/11 and 6 on the 13/11, there were also 12 goosanders on the former date and 14 on the latter.

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